
Used by
Complex Type rowSelectorControlType
Describes a read-only or read-write Selector Control with restricted range.
The min value is always 1; the resolution is always 1.
The max value is determined by the number of elements in the list from which the Selector Control selects.
Therefore, there is no ranges element included for this Control.
Diagram AVTypes_xsd_Attribute_Group_rw.tmp#rw AVTypes_xsd_Attribute_Group_refID.tmp#refID
Used by
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
refID xsi:string optional
Can be used to uniquely identify the object represented by this element for external binding reference purposes.
The value of the refID shall be unique for each object within the AVFunction and is implementation-specific. May be a GUID.
rw rwType required
Used to indicate the read-write support level for the Control.
RO means the CUR Property is implemented as Read-Only and the NEXT Porperty is not implemented.
RON means the CUR Property is implemented as Read-Only and the NEXT Porperty is implemented (always Read-Write).
RW means the CUR Property is implemented as Read-Write and the NEXT Porperty is not implemented.
RWN means the CUR Property is implemented as Read-Write and the NEXT Porperty is implemented (always Read-Write).
<xsi:complexType name="rowSelectorControlType">
    <xsi:documentation>Describes a read-only or read-write Selector Control with restricted range.</xsi:documentation>
    <xsi:documentation>The min value is always 1; the resolution is always 1.</xsi:documentation>
    <xsi:documentation>The max value is determined by the number of elements in the list from which the Selector Control selects.</xsi:documentation>
    <xsi:documentation>Therefore, there is no ranges element included for this Control.</xsi:documentation>
  <xsi:attributeGroup ref="rw"/>
  <xsi:attributeGroup ref="refID"/>
Schema location file:/Users/Geert/Documents/Data/PROJECTS/XML/AVSchema/AVTypes.xsd